
Who is Patrick?

Have you heard about Patrick?  My guess is probably not. 

Patrick was starved, for who knows how long.  News reports have said that Patrick was left for an entire week, unattended, with nothing to eat.  Patrick had been stepped over, and stepped around while those around him ate, and he was made to suffer; made to sit and watch as his body began to fail him and he began to die.  Patrick’s body began to crumble, his bones began to protrude, his ribcage completely visible.  Now resembling a corpse, he was placed in a trash bag, and thrown down a garbage chute, nearly 22 stories.

But this was not the end for Patrick.  On March 16, 2011 as luck would have it, with his last bit of strength, he rustled that garbage bag and a maintenance man who was picking up trash heard the bag move.  Patrick was alive, barely, but he was alive; still clinging on to the hope that someone would feed him, love him, hold him.

Patrick wasn’t expected to live through the night.  Miraculously, he did.   Miraculously, he is still here, getting better, gaining weight. That, in itself, is a miracle.

This is when Patrick’s life, my life, and the lives of 50,000 people (and climbing) changed.

Now you would think, Patrick’s abuser would receive severe jail-time for the malicious neglect that Patrick received and almost ended his life.  Patrick’s abuser faces a MAXIMUM of 18 months in prison and a fine of $3,000.00.  While this offense happened in New Jersey, Pennsylvania offers even less time and fines for those who abuse and neglect.

“Cruelty to animals is defined as: "wantonly or cruelly illtreats, overloads, beats, otherwise abuses any animal, or neglects any animal as to which he has a duty of care, whether belonging to himself or otherwise, or abandons any animal, or deprives any animal of necessary sustenance, drink, shelter or veterinary care, or access to clean and sanitary shelter which will protect the animal against inclement weather and preserve the animal's body heat and keep it dry." This is a summary offense with a fine of $50-750 and/or imprisonment up to 90 days. “

Oh, didn’t I tell you?  Patrick is a dog.  A pitbull who was thought to be around one year of age due to the poor condition his body was in.  Patrick is really around 3-4 years of age.  There is a movement happening across the United States.  We NEED to change these laws.  Over 50,000 people have banned together in Patrick’s name and vowed to change animal cruelty laws.  If someone can starve a puppy and throw him down a trash chute, what will they do with their children?

Sadly, Patrick is not the only one.  There are animals being abused in every corner of the world, and this continues to happen because there is no real punishment for the abusers.  Pearson, Hope, Lancelot, and Sprout are other dogs who have been severely abused by ways of neglect and physical abuse.  Help our voices be heard.

Thank you,

The Patrick Movement – Pennsylvania Chapter

Photo used under Creative Commons from billaday