Our Mission:

The Patrick Movement – Pennsylvania is dedicated to spreading awareness of the importance of animal advocacy and rights.  Our Movement community is committed to educating society on the importance of protecting these delicate creatures, our pets.  We must maintain faith, optimism, and strength; we must forge ahead.  We will not get discouraged, regardless of obstacles we may (will) face.  The cause is too important to give up, for we are their only voice.  We will adopt a zero tolerance policy against bullying, threats of violence, and intimidation.  We will maintain our beliefs and protect the same. We will do whatever we can, within our power and reason, to affect positive change in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and nationally as it relates to animal abuse, cruelty, and neglect.  Our children’s future depends on us, society depends on us.  Our morality and how we treat animals and those that intentionally harm them will affect our society’s future.  Make the pledge today and be a voice for the voiceless…fight to protect animals by fighting to prevent animal abuse.

To spur stricter animal cruelty legislation in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania so that animal cruelty perpetrators are charged with a felony offense for animal cruelty of domestic animals; change PA ST 18 Pa.C.S.A. §5511 as follows: Our goal is to ensure animal abusers pay the maximum penalty for this heinous crime.  The minimum prison sentence for this crime is two years with a maximum of five.  Abusers will be required to pay a minimum $2,500.00 fine and a maximum $10,000.00 fine as ordered by the Court.  The convicted will be required to donate $500.00 annually for a period of five years, to a non-profit animal shelter designated by the Court to commence after time served.  Convicted abusers will also be required to undergo a mandatory mental evaluation.  If deemed mentally unstable, the result is a mandatory mental institution commitment for a term equal to or greater than that of a prison sentence for the same crime.  A second mental evaluation will be conducted prior to the abuser’s release from the institution or prison.  At the discretion of a mental health professional, the abuser may be mandated to serve extended institution and/or prison time.  Upon release, the convicted shall be enlisted in a state-wide animal abuse registry and will be forbade from purchasing, housing, owning, adopting or having any animal of any  kind in their possession for the rest of their natural life.

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The Patrick Miracle.

Photo used under Creative Commons from billaday